Custom wooden signs are a thing of beauty. Everyone agrees about this! No one has ever said, “Hey, those custom wooden signs look tacky.” Except for maybe badly hand-cut ones, which are a whole different thing. You’ll never see those here! For our custom wooden signs, we use only the finest modern lasers. Look at this graphic to the left. What’s a flippersmack? No one ones. And no one cared before now! But with custom wooden signs, people will suddenly both know and care. After all, if it weren’t important, why would someone take the time to inscribe it into wood? We don’t know either! But we did it. And that’s the sort of gravitas we bring to our custom wooden signs. Look around your place of business.
How many signs do you have? Probably dozens. Even when you looked, your eye skipped over several of them. You probably never saw the exit signs, the break room notices, the multitude of other mundane signs. How do you draw the eye to these? Simple — put custom wooden signs in their place! No one overlooks that sort of class. Plastic is the go-to resource these days, and it shows. Everyone uses plastic, and so it looks classless. Add a touch of elegance to your establishment with custom wooden signs! Once you hang that laser-etched tree slice up, no one will ever confuse you for a run-of-the-mill place of business again. It really is just that simple! Regular business + wooden sign = business with a five-star review on Yelp. That’s just science! So contact us through the convenient RFQ form linked below. We’ll get you hooked up with custom-carved wood immediately. Just see the difference!