Engraved bricks are the best way to get people to give you money. It’s a simple fact! No matter what you’re raising money for, the thing people care about most is seeing their name in print. People love to be recognized. And what’s more permanent than putting names on bricks? Nothing, that’s what. There’s a reason the phrase “set in stone” means “never to be changed.” Stones last! And with engraved bricks, your donors’ names will last right along with them.

engraved bricks

The best part is that you almost certainly already have a place to put the engraved bricks when you’re done. Even if you’re in an established building, there’s almost certainly some sort of a walkway outside. With a dash of mortar and a little hard work, the names of those who helped you succeed are permanently on display for every passerby to see and envy! And if you’re setting up a new building, it’s even easier to incorporate the engraved bricks. You can even make them part of the facade! Forget cornerstones. They’re old news. Devote an entire section of your wall to engraved bricks and really give people some information about the building!

Of course, engraved bricks have uses outside of fundraising, too. Maybe you want to spice up a boring pathway, or display your family name outside of your house. It’s an interesting thing, though. Even when used this way, engraved bricks still cause people to give you money. No one knows why? Just the presence of bricks with words on them makes people more generous. It’s a strange but exploitable phenomenon. Don’t believe us? Try it out! Get some bricks engraved and install them at your home or business. People will be knocking on your door to hand you money in no time! Weird but true.

Engraved Bricks Will Keep Their Names Forever!

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