
Engraving paved the way for communication and language. Engraving came before Government, Religion and after verbal communication which probably consisted of grunts and moans with some pointing.  It probably started on The image you are viewing is composed in pixels – In real life this graphic representation carries more weight than just a font – on a computer – on a screen. This is a tangible object that you can put in your pocket and hand off. Through innovation and technology we are able to blast a pattern of a logo into lumber with a Carbon-Based Laser Beam. Previously this was an idea of science fiction, the laser was imagined before it ever “turned-tangible. Engraving

The year is 1874 and the location is 3rd and Marshall Street in Richmond, Virginia. Joseph W. Bliley, Sr. had just opened his first funeral home without the existence of electricity. Horses and trains provided mobility but communication was limited to word-of mouth, telegram and paper. Joseph wouldn’t have understood a font displayed in pixels, yet he understood the tangibility associated with engraving. Pictured below is a One-Hundred and Forty-Two year-old piece of lumber from the framing of his funeral home. Joseph more than likely paid someone to install the framing with “Common Nails” and a simple hammer. This slab of lumber is a piece of history, a work of art and can serve a purpose if cut into the shape of a four-inch drink coaster. You can stare at a hand-drawn piece of history while simultaneously holding it. We work with custom wood-workers all throughout the United States – but our close relationships with the local craftsman can sometimes yield interesting artifacts, just like Laser Engraving Pros.

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